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Published on 01/14/2024 00:01 by Jacob Latonis

100 Days of Yara in 2024: Day 14

Day 12 and Day 13 focused on parsing LC_DYSYMTAB and LC_SYMTAB load commands so we could get the data needed to perform the offset calculations to parse the symbol tables and the string tables in Mach-O binaries. Now that those are being parsed, we can focus on parsing the string table today.

When looking at a hex dump of a Mach-O binary, you may notice there are a few blobs of strings in there. The one we’re focused on parsing today are a designated area defined by LC_SYMTAB.

portion of a hex dump of a Mach-O binary.

This is not the same as the __cstring section, we’ll parse that later.

The Data Layout

The data layout of the string table designated by LC_SYMTAB is a blob of strings that are separated by a null byte (b'\0')

Parsing the Data

To parse this data, we need to go to the offset designated by LC_SYMTAB.stroff and parse until we’ve reached the size of the blob, designated by LC_SYMTAB.strsize. Then, we can build a vector of strings and place it in the protobuf representation. At times, the value of stroff will be larger than the entire size of the file, this indicates it is not located in the Mach-O, but is located in dyld_shared_cache. We’ll parse those another time.

Parsing Function

The parsing function is defined as below, we read the data in, select the string blob, split by b'\0', and then build strings from the raw bytes.

/// Processes the symbol table and string table based on the values calculated
/// from the LC_SYMTAB load command.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data`: The raw byte data of the Mach-O file.
/// * `macho_file`: The protobuf representation of the Mach-O file to be populated.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a `Result<(), MachoError>` indicating the success or failure of the
/// parsing operation.
fn parse_macho_symtab_tables(
    data: &[u8],
    macho_file: &mut File,
) -> Result<(), MachoError> {
    if macho_file.symtab.is_some() {
        let symtab = macho_file.symtab.as_mut().unwrap();

        let str_offset = symtab.stroff() as usize;
        let str_end = symtab.strsize() as usize;
        // We don't want the dyld_shared_cache ones for now
        if str_offset < data.len() {
            let string_table: &[u8] = &data[str_offset..str_offset + str_end];
            let strings: Vec<String> = string_table
                .split(|&c| c == b'\0')
                .map(|line| {
                .filter(|s| !s.trim().is_empty())

            symtab.strings = strings;


End Result

Our current test binaries now show the parsed strings from the string tabled defined by LC_SYMTAB.



        - "_harmony_calloc"
        - "_harmony_free"
        - "_harmony_malloc"
        - "_memset"
        - "_strcpy"
        - "_strlen"
        - "_wcslen"
        - "_wxConvUTF8Ptr"
        - "_wxEmptyString"
        - "_wxTheAssertHandler"
        - "_wxTrapInAssert"
        - "dyld_stub_binder"
        - "___clang_call_terminate"


Finished Work

I added this work to the PR to YARA-X here: #73 :)

Written by Jacob Latonis

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